Khomich Irina Georgievna

I started drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil in my fingers. I started with the usual children's "kala-mala" and moved on to comics (I didn't know that word yet - stories in pictures based on bedtime stories my dad told me and stories I made up myself). The biggest comic book (a thousand and more pictures) was "Extraordinary and Amazing Adventures of Green Frog", which were not published anywhere, but are still kept in the home archive.

Living in Dudinka, for some time attended the art studio at the Palace of Pioneers, which was led by folk artist Nikolai Alexandrovich Sviridov - that, in general, and all my fine arts "universities". But it was boring to draw still lifes, and I again turned to comics and cartoons.

An attempt to enter the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts failed miserably: I was turned away at the interview, not allowed to take the exams. They said that I do not see color, do not feel the form and do not know anatomy. I had to study to be a civil engineer instead of an artist. (In the institute passion caricatures once came out to me sideways: one of the portrayed teachers was without a sense of humor and did everything to ensure that I leave. I had to finish studying at another university.)

Since then there have been many haphazard artistic attempts: illustrating several children's books, humorous drawings in newspapers, participation in various collection exhibitions and other "a snippet, a look and something". I continue to be an artist widely unknown in narrow circles.

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