Radik Ibrashev

Many people have heard about Radik Ibrashev from Agryz, a railroad worker who creates masterpieces with his own hands. The foreman at the economic section for repair and maintenance of buildings of the locomotive depot is familiar to residents as a talented artist and an active blogger. For him, creativity is like a credo of life.

His contemporary art evokes not only a sense of admiration, but also sincere surprise. Radik Ibrashev proved that nowadays artists can create paintings and sculptures from any consumable material, not only with paints and clay.
Thus, the talented self-taught artist created portraits of Soviet actor Andrei Mironov, Marfushenka from the fairy tale "Morozko", a sculpture of the Nutcracker from plastic lids, leather and polyethylene. Before working, he carefully studies each detail from a photograph or picture. They turn out as alive! As a material for his works the artist uses parts of electronics, used keyboards, polyethylene bottles, plastic caps, bags, colored pencils, thread, lego constructors, buttons and much more.

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