Chuvashev Alexander

If you are a male artist, of course, female images will appeal to you. Women are incomprehensible, each one is unique and worthy of admiration. Therefore, wherever I go, I still return to women in my art," Alexander Chuvashev confesses.

Artist Alexander Chuvashev paints, sculpts, murals and reliefs. He creates oil portraits from photos and sends them all over the world.

He is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia and a senior lecturer at the UdSU Department of Decorative and Applied Arts.

Despite the fact that the creativity of Alexander Chuvashev is many-faced and diverse, the viewer's eye is attracted by female images. "Eve", "Judith", "Gorgon", "Diana" - his mythical heroines are devoid of grotesqueness and narcissism, but they have a lively character, with cunning, devilishness, and, of course, they are full of mystery and mystery.

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