The secret of success

Alexander Nikolaevich Churakov, a trustee of the museum since the beginning of the project, shared his opinion on what has worked in the 11 years of the museum's existence


Was it possible to imagine 11 and a little years ago that a meeting with Rustam Bulatov over a cup of tea, where the words paintings, frames, baguettes, French machines were suddenly heard, would turn into such a powerful project?

When on November 11, 2011 (maybe the magic of numbers 11.11...) the first steps were taken and the first contracts for the supply of equipment and baguettes were signed.11...) the first steps were taken and the first contracts for the supply of equipment and baguettes were signed, I could not imagine that exactly 11 years later the Minister of Culture Vladimir Mikhailovich Soloviev would celebrate the modest work and huge contribution of the team of the Museum-Gallery "La bohème artistique" to the development and popularization of culture and art of the native land! That everything will turn into an extraordinary, grandiose and unparalleled not only in Russia, but also in the world MOVEMENT!

Why the movement, you ask? Yes, because no museum, no art gallery can boast that it has 26 exhibition sites, where children and adults meet and soak in art, get acquainted with the work of more than 40 artists and that all this happened in less than a year of work of our team!

It's no secret that you can't make money on art... so what is the secret of such growth? It's all in the fact that the enthusiasm and unwavering faith of Rustam Bulatov in his business rallied around the project not indifferent to the future of their families and their country entrepreneurs, the same enthusiasts in their industries! Rustam managed to unite, ignite and organize all of us, give us a goal and achieve it in the shortest possible time!

The whole team of trustees of the museum-gallery LAB makes one common cause! And I want to say a big thank you to all my colleagues and friends and congratulate them on the birthday of our museum!