Gift from the Board of Trustees of the Museum-Gallery "LAB" to the school museum - restored bust of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Together with Linguistic Lyceum № 25 of Izhevsk and the Minister of Culture of the UR Vladimir Solovyov on Lyceum Day we celebrate the unveiling of the bust of Hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Anatolievna Kosmodemyanskaya.


Together with the Linguistic Lyceum № 25 in Izhevsk and the Minister of Culture of the UR Vladimir Solovyov we celebrate the opening of the bust of the Hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Anatolievna Kosmodemyanskaya on the Lyceum Day.

Recall that the new bust made of modern street material fiber concrete stands on K. Marx St., and the original one, made of plaster, is now restored and decorates the exposition of the school museum.
Our friends-sculptors during 2,5 months collected it by pieces and recreated it by archive photos.

Every day less and less witnesses of those events, feats of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers become.Thanks to the school museum for the preservation of history.

The theme of memory, defense of the Fatherland is important for us as parents, citizens, fathers.

The children wish to be attentive to each other on the day of the lyceum student. There is a big life ahead, and when you have friends, you can do great and good deeds together!