Smoragdova Leni

Smoragdova Leni /$M - artist, director.
"Love gives freedom and
the opportunity to feel all
colors of this world" -$M
Born in an airplane.
Before the age of 16 she lived between two cities -Smolensk and Odessa.
She started her career in London.
In Amsterdam, she first introduced the idea of  Transaction to the general public.
What is Transaction?
The main idea:
"We are children of war,
War is money,
Money has no face...
It's as simple as a Transaction / a simple bank transaction/.
We are children of Transaction
We are children without a face..." - $M

Rubicon Transaction:
The trend of modern society is to promote the material world.  But people, having reached certain peaks, and having surrounded themselves with things and brands, do not become happier. On the contrary, we see more and more people experiencing inner loneliness, people who are painful, unhappy, feeling of inner emptiness   -that they have lived their lives for nothing.

The origins of Transaction:
The propaganda of the lifestyle "Rags - Chicks - Cars". \ The term was introduced by psychotherapist Kovalev S.V.\
When a person mentions that he is afraid of being used - but only a thing can be used, he is classifying himself as a thing. He depersonalizes himself.
The general propaganda of elite prostitution - kept women - when in exchange for their bodies and youth, ladies and, more and more often already and cavaliers, receive material benefits. But, as a rule, they become just a thing - they are bought - their inner world, or even more so their personality is not interesting to anyone, just as they are not interested in the "buyer" - their bodies. "Buyer and seller" become faceless to each other. When the time comes -   they are simply changed.
Withdrawal from friendship, love, loss of basic norms and values of morality - all this leads to depersonalization of people by each other.
All this leads to the Transaction generation.

Input:A person can be prosperous when all facets of life are observed:
1.     Health: physical and spiritual
2.     Relationships: friendship - family
3.      Love - sex
4.     Career - money
And the main thing - under any  circumstances - dignity.
Through art Smoragdova aims to break their inner mental box and show people two opposite realities:   and each person can choose the life, fate, which he likes. And at any moment you can change your destiny for the better and come to harmony, love.

Premieres, performances,   exhibitions:
December, 2014 - social art project "Warm Stops"
November, 2014 - premiere of the series "Life of an Artist"
Oct, November, 2014 - Art show TRANSACTION
August, 2014 - Premiere of "The Exhibition - The Story of the Insides"
July, 2014 - "HumanRights" / Italy /
March, 2014 -Performance / TheCentralPark, New York City /
March, 2014 -Performance/"Armoryshow", New York City /
December, 2013 -"Transaction' poetry show" / Russia /
October, 2013 - Premiere of the movie "Stories of the insides in a brief translation"
August, 2013 - "FoodArtAwards" / Italy /
August, 2013 - Art show "Transactionchess-board" /Russia /
August, 2013 - Art show "QueenofTransaction" /Russia/
June, 2013 - "Transaction. Cartoon"
June, 2013 - Photo exhibition / New York /
June, 2013 - Art show "TRANSACTION. Samsara" / Russia/
May, 2013 - Art show "Labyrinth of Transaction" / Russia /
March, 2013 - Premiere of the film "Amphitheater - the story of the insides"
December, 2012 - Art show Transaction / Amsterdam
2010 - 2012 - Collaboration with Madonna as part of her show