Maria Anatolievna Samarina

Awarded with the badge "For diligence in service" of the AOU "MVEU", 2008.
Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic, dated September 15, 2016. For conscientious labor and high professionalism".

Diploma of higher education, teacher of fine arts and drawing, Udmurt State University

Participation in exhibitions, competitions, festivals, biennales, etc. (since 2000):
Participation in the exhibition "Youth of Udmurtia", Hall of the Union of Artists of the UR, Izhevsk, 2001;
Participation in the exhibition "Young Talents", AOU "MVEU" Gallery "Gryphon", 2001;
Participation in the exhibition of young artists of Udmurtia, Hall of the Union of Artists of the UR, 2003;
Participation in the republican youth competition "Rodina Rodnikov", Hall of the Union of Artists of the UR, 2015.
Participation in the exhibition of young artists of Udmurtia, UDSU Museum, 2018;

Art Catalog