Ivshin Vasily

Integrity, high professional skills, and a healthy lifestyle allow Ivshin V.V. serve as a role model and mentor for new generations of teachers.

Born on August 1950. in the village of Yu-Tolyen, Kuliginsky district, in a family of teachers, graduated from the Debes Pedagogical College, and then from the Udmurt State University (1977)

A teacher of the highest qualification category, he held the position of head of the art and graphic department for more than 20 years. As a class teacher, he graduated from several groups, in which well-known specialists and cultural and artistic figures studied in the Udmurt Republic (V.P. Stepanov, P.P. Danilov, etc.).

Ivshin V.V. constantly improves his professional level, engaging in fine arts in his free time, taking personal part in exhibitions of various statuses.

Vasily Veniaminovich is a participant in All-Russian and All-Union exhibitions.

Vasily Ivshin has been carrying out career guidance work among rural youth for a long time, going with exhibitions to different schools in the republic. Currently, the author heads the painting, drawing and sculpture workshops and teaches several interdisciplinary courses. He carries out any work responsibly and creatively, leads a healthy lifestyle, and for decades has defended the honor of the educational institution and the region at sports competitions in volleyball, basketball, tennis, skiing, athletics, tourism, and shooting.

Art Catalog